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Carob - The Perfect Chocolate Substitute

Charles M. Schulz, the famous American cartoonist and creator of celebrated cartoon strip, Peanuts, once quipped: “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” Apparently it’s a sentiment that’s shared by many Brits, for on average only 5% of us will have not eaten any chocolate in the past six months! But what if you are allergic to, or have an intolerance to, one of the many ingredients in chocolate?

Well, the good news is that you can still get your chocolate fix, without ever having to consume chocolate again… and that’s all thanks to an increasingly popular chocolate substitute - carob.

But before we dive into what makes carob powder such a perfect alternative to chocolate, let’s first take a look at why you may wish to avoid chocolate in the first place.

What’s wrong with chocolate?

In essence, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with chocolate, especially in moderation - after all, a little of what you fancy does you good! This is particularly true of raw chocolate. Unlike most commercial chocolate products, raw chocolate is made from pure, raw cacao, which is brimming with beneficial nutrients and pleasingly free from refined sugars and fattening dairy products.

To learn more about the key differences between ordinary chocolate and raw chocolate, please refer to the article: What is Cacao? Cacao vs Cocoa

Yet for some, even raw cacao is a no-no. That’s because raw cacao contains two substances that, whilst highly prized by many, can be a problem for others:

1) Caffeine

Although raw chocolate contains only extremely small quantities of this central nervous stimulant, it can sometimes be enough to trigger allergies or sleepless nights in those who are sensitive to it.

To find out more about the caffeine in chocolate, please refer to the article: Does chocolate contain caffeine? 

2) Theobromine

Theobromine is a bitter alkaloid found in chocolate in much larger quantities than caffeine. It has a similar stimulant effect to caffeine and is the substance that makes chocolate so very toxic to dogs.

Carob - the perfect chocolate substitute 

Fortunately both you and your four-legged friend can still enjoy the delicious taste of chocolate, without risking the type of side effects associated with the theobromine or caffeine found in raw cacao – by switching from cacao to carob.

What is carob powder?

Organic carob powder is a natural sweetener made from the pod of the carob shrub – a flowering evergreen that belongs to the pea family and is native to Mediterranean areas, such as Southern Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. Its name is believed to have originally derived from the word carat – a unit of weight for gold and gemstones. 

Organic carob powder is made by grinding ripe carob pods into a fine powder that’s absolutely packed with valuable nutrients, including fibre, protein, B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, chromium, copper and nickel. Once an important source of sugar prior to the cultivation of sugarcane and sugar beet, carob was also a firm favourite with the Ancient Egyptians who used it as a digestive aid. Today carob is commonly used to make locust bean gum (a thickening agent sometimes added to baby milk) and is an additional ingredient in chocolate-free cakes and biscuits.

What makes carob powder such a perfect alternative to chocolate? 

Organic carob powder contains zero caffeine or theobromine, making it an excellent substitute for cacao powder, particularly for those who wish to avoid these known stimulants. And, as it contains on average only 13 calories per tablespoon, it’s also an attractive alternative to sweetened cocoa powders for those who are watching their weight. 

Arguably one of the greatest benefits of organic carob powder, however, is that it boasts such a deliciously rich chocolate flavour and aroma, albeit with a less bitter aftertaste than pure, raw cacao. This means that you can use organic carob powder in exactly the same way as you would organic cacao powder – to give a lovely chocolate flavour to smoothies, shakes and protein drinks, or to add a delightful chocolate twist to raw biscuits, cakes and desserts.

To discover a delicious carob powder recipe click here.

In fact, organic carob powder can even be used to create a tempting range of homemade raw chocolate bars, but with one main difference – they don’t contain any chocolate!

To shop for certified organic carob powder click here.